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Katelyn Hughes

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Katelyn and Joel Hughes


In memory of Fletcher Joel Hughes

25/06/2024 - Update

Wow, we don't have enough words to show everyone how appreciative we are of all of your donations in Fletchers memory. 
As I said below, we never thought we would raise enough money for one cuddle cot, let alone two, plus more money to go towards the other important services that Bears of Hope provides to those of us who have been through the loss of a baby or child. 

It makes us so happy and proud to know that the loss of our beautiful son Fletcher has meant that we can provide two hospitals with cuddle cots and ensure that more families have the oppurtunity to spend precious time with their sleeping babies like we did. 

Fletcher's name and legacy is now going to live on for many years to come through these cuddle cots, and this provides us with a lot of comfort. 

Thankyou to everyone for your support, and there is still time to donate if you wish. The fundraiser will remain open to keep raising money to support Bears of Hope other services. 

Thankyou, a million times over

Katelyn and Joel

12/06/2024 - Update
Wow. We are so overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity, support and love. 
When we started this fundraiser, we honestly believed it may be difficult to reach our initial goal of $6,500. However, in less than 24 hours we made it!


There has been lots of tears cried in sheer gratefulness for everyone’s generosity.It means the absolute world to us that Fletcher’s memory is living on, and that he will continue to have an impact on this world for a long time through the donations received.
Due to the overwhelming support, and many people still considering donating we have updated our goal to reflect that we are aiming to raise enough funds to purchase two cuddle cots in Fletchers memory. Each to be donated to different hospitals in different areas to ensure that so many more people have the opportunity to spend invaluable time with their baby.Wow. We are so overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity, support and love. 

From the bottom of our hearts, Thankyou so much to every single person who has donated. It truly means more then we can put into words and has been a somewhat healing process for us.



Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!


Original Post

On the 20th of November 2023, we transferred a beautiful looking embryo back into my body.
On the 25th of November, we found out we were pregnant, one of the happiest days of our life. 5 years of trying, 9 rounds of IVF and we were finally having our baby. 
Fast forward a few months, we found out we were expecting a baby boy. Our whole family was over the moon. Fletcher was due on August 7, 2024. We were counting down the days. 

At 26 weeks and 1 day, while going for a routine scan we found out that our beautiful boys heart had stopped beating the day prior. Our whole world came crashing down around us in that moment and nothing would ever be the same. 
That night, on May 2 2024 at 8.18pm Fletcher Joel Hughes was born sleeping by c section. He was 860grams, and 35cm long.

We were so relieved to find out that the hospital has a cuddle cot, which is a specially designed cot that has a machine that cools it down so that families can spend time with their baby and make precious memories. 
Because of this cuddle cot which had been donated by another family, we were able to spend almost 3 full days with our baby boy. It meant we had time to invite our families in to meet our son, and have them make their own special memories with him. No time would ever have been enough, but I am so grateful we could spend this time with Fletcher and our family making memories before saying goodbye.

The thought that some families don't have this option because there is no cuddle cot available to them is simply heartbreaking. To have to say goodbye after only hours with your child would be excruciating. 

We are aiming to raise atleast $6,500 to get a cuddle cot donated to a hospital in Fletchers name. The cot will have a plaque dedicating the cot to Fletchers memory, and his name will be embroidered on the cot. 

Thanks to everyone’s generous donations, we have hit our initial goal of $6,500. We are now hoping to raise $13,000, enough to provide two cuddle cots to hospitals that need them in Fletchers memory. 

Any money raised over this amount, will go towards providing other Bears of Hope services such as bereavement counselling, bears, grief workshops, raising awareness and so many other invaluable services that Joel and I will experience first hand.

Joel and I will get to work with Bears of Hope to choose where the cot will go, and will choose somewhere that doesn't already have one so many more families have access to a cuddle cot. 



We would appreciate any and all donations please. And all donations over $2 are tax deductible. 
Please share this far and wide, we want to raise as much as we can for this charity that has given us more than we can ever repay, time with our precious son which otherwise wouldn't have been possible. 

Thankyou so much for supporting us to support Bears of Hope


Katelyn and Joel Hughes

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Bears of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Incorporated

Bears Of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support is an Australian not-for-profit organisation, providing leading support and exceptional care for families who experience the loss of their baby.

We provide exclusive and invaluable support programs that include a credible foundation of parent led and psychologist facilitated support groups, private online peer to peer support communities, phone, face to face, online and email counselling and annual community events that remember individual baby’s and recognize their parents love. Bears Of Hope comfort, acknowledge, inform, empower, and guide families during their time of loss and beyond.

As a registered non-profit organisation we are dedicated to the care of others and reinvesting our finances and resources to ensure the mental health needs and wellbeing of parents are being met and embraced for as long as as required.

Fundraising Enquiries: 
0400 475 012

General Enquiries:
1300 11 BEAR or


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